@ARTICLE{Kościelniak_Ks._Krzysztof_The_2009, author={Kościelniak, Ks. Krzysztof}, volume={Tom 4}, pages={55-74}, journal={Studia Nauk Teologicznych PAN}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={Polskia Akademia Nauk - Komitet Nauk Teologicznych}, abstract={A study of the Quran makes it clear, that the New and Old Testament traditions are manifest in various forms in the sacred book of Muslims. This paper presents the phenomenon of these biblical borrowings, giving the references in the Quran to the biblical persons and main themes. One finds many of the Old and New Testament stories of the prophets sometimes in precise forms where the Quranic records are relative identical with the Biblical versions. On other fragments the Quranic narra- tives contain elements of Biblical traditions mixed with folklore and fables extracted from the Talmud and in some cases (such as the story of Abraham and the idols) the sources are entirely Midrashic-Haggadic or Apocryphal. It is worth to be pointed out that the influence of orthodox Christianity on the Quran was slight but apocryphal and heretical Christian legends are clearly visible in the various Quranic fragments. Probably it is a result of Muhammad’s journeys between Syria, Hijaz, and yemen. Scholars have adopted a number of different theories explaining the phenomenon of the biblical borrowings found in the Quran. For example it is said about Muham- mad’s dependence upon Jewish teachers and thus an overarching Jewish influence on Islam. It is generally admitted that Muhammad had opportunity to come into contact with yemenite, Abyssinian, Ghassanite, and Syrian Christians, especially heretic. Analyzes of the Quran in the light of parallel passages in the Bible, Talmud and Apocrypha permits us to formulate an idea that early Islamic revelations were com- pilation of Muhammad inspiration with repetition of information coming to his ears, some of it Biblical and true to history, the rest predominantly mythical and fictitious. This thesis is not accepted by Muslim scholars, who maintain that the Qur’an is the divine word of God without any interpolation.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Influence of the Bible on the Quran}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/116915/PDF/Koscielniak%20(1).pdf}, doi={10.24425/snt.2009.133800}, keywords={Bible, Quran, apocrypha, biblical borrowings, interaction between religions}, }