@ARTICLE{Zhu_Qiang_Heuristic_2020, author={Zhu, Qiang and Wang, Qing-Jun and Zang, Mu-Jun and Wang, Zhen-Dong and Xiao, Chang}, volume={vol. 69}, number={No 3}, pages={595-608}, journal={Archives of Electrical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Current networks are designed for peak loads leading to low utilization of power resources. In order to solve this problem, a heuristic energy-saving virtual network embedding algorithm based on the Katz centrality (Katz-VNE) is proposed. For solving an energy-saving virtual network embedding problem, we introduce the Katz centrality to represent the node influence. In order to minimize the energy consumption of the substrate network, the energy-saving virtual network embedding problem is formulated as an integer linear program, and the Katz-VNE is used to solve this problem. The Katz-VNE tries to embed the virtual nodes onto the substrate nodes with high Katz centrality, which is effective, and uses the shortest paths offering the best factor of bandwidths to avoid the hot nodes. The simulation results demonstrate that the long-term average energy consumption of the substrate network is reduced significantly, and the long-term revenue/cost ratio, the acceptance rate of virtual network requests, and the hibernation rate of substrate nodes as well as links are improved significantly.}, title={Heuristic energy-saving virtual network embedding algorithm based on Katz centrality}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/117017/PDF/art07.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aee.2020.133920}, keywords={energy-saving virtual network, integer linear programming, Katz centrality, network virtualization embedding, virtualization}, }