@ARTICLE{Karbownik_Marcin_The_2020, author={Karbownik, Marcin and Krawczyk, Jerzy and Schlieter, Tomasz}, volume={vol. 65}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, pages={591-603}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={The safety of mining operations in hard coal mines must be constantly developed and improved. There is ongoing multi-directional research focused at best recognition of the phenomenon associated with the properties of the coal-gas system and its connections with mining and geological conditions. This article presents the results of sorption experiments on coals from the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, which are characterized by varying degrees of coalification. One of the parameters that describes the kinetics of methane sorption, determining and providing valuable information about gas hazard and in particular the risk of gas and rock outbursts, is the effective diffusion coefficient De. It is derived from the solution of Fick’s second law using many simplifying assumptions. Among them is the assumption that the carbon matrix consists of only one type of pore – micropores. In fact, there are quite often at least two different mechanisms, which are connected to each other, related to the diffusion of methane from the microporous matrix and flows occurring in voids and macropores. This article presents both the unipore and bidisperse models and a set of comparisons which fit them to experimental curves for selected coals. For some samples the more complex bidisperse model gave much better results than the classic unipore one. The supremacy of the bidisperse model could be associated with the differences in the coal structure related to the coalification degree. Initial results justify further analyses on a wider set of coals using the methodology developed in this paper.}, type={Article}, title={The Unipore and Bidisperse Diffusion Models for Methane in Hard Coal Solid Structures Related to the Conditions in the Upper Silesian Coal Basin}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/117223/PDF/Archiwum-65-3-10-Karbownik.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2020.134136}, keywords={Gas and rock outburst, sorption properties, hard coal structure, diffusion model}, }