@ARTICLE{Štefunková_Zuzana_Evaluation_2020, author={Štefunková, Zuzana and Macura, Viliam and Doláková, Gréta and Majorošová, Martina}, number={No 46}, pages={209-215}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={There is a cascade of hydroelectric power plants built on the Váh River. From a water-management point of view, the natural channel is used to drain extreme discharges. During most of the year, discharges are regulated by water-management structures. These discharges are not used for energy-related purposes; therefore, it is important to determine the optimal discharge that will not negatively affect the ecosystem of the stream. The minimum balance discharge (hydro-ecological discharge) was determined based on the instream flow incremental methodology (IFIM) using the riverine habi-tat simulation system (RHABSIM). Input data were obtained from direct measurements on three reference reaches in the area between the cities Piešťany and Nové Mesto nad Váhom. Hydraulic flow characteristics were derived from three measurements at different water levels. Habitat quality was represented by ichthyofauna. Data to determine the habitat suit-ability curves of fish were obtained using a diving technique to collect video footage. The modelling resulted in the quanti-fication of the effect of discharge on ichthyofauna as a bio-indicator of habitat quality, which implied the need of 20 m3∙s–1 for a minimum balance discharge in summer.}, type={Article}, title={Evaluation of the hydro-ecological quality of the aquatic habitat of the Váh River}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/117297/PDF/Stefunkova%20et%20al%20597.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2020.134215}, keywords={bioindication, habitat suitability curves, ichthyofauna, IFIM methodology, mountain streams}, }