@ARTICLE{Sołjan_Z._CPC-based_2020, author={Sołjan, Z. and Hołdyński, G. and Zajkowski, M.}, volume={68}, number={No. 5 (i.a. Special Section on Modern control of drives and power converters)}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences Technical Sciences}, pages={1127-1134}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, abstract={This article aims to explain the capability of describing three-phase systems powered from the source with asymmetrical nonsinusoidal voltage waveforms. Indicating the physical components of the currents associated closely with specific physical phenomena facilitates separating the unbalanced components from the active and reactive ones. All those currents, excluding the active current and the scattered current, contribute to the existing unbalanced and reactive power. This article presents the decomposition of currents based on the Currents’ Physical Components Theory. When decomposing currents, it is assumed that the load is linear and unchanging in time, and the voltage supply is asymmetrical and nonsinusoidal.}, type={Article}, title={CPC-based currents’ description in three-phase four-wire systems with asymmetrical and nonsinusoidal waveforms}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/117702/PDF/18_D1127-1134_01618_Bpast.No.68-5_30.10.20_.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2020.134669}, keywords={Currents’ Physical Components (CPC), power theory, asymmetric voltage, nonsinusoidal waveforms}, }