@ARTICLE{Толстая_Светлана_М._New_2020, author={Толстая, Светлана М.}, volume={No LXIX}, journal={Rocznik Slawistyczny}, pages={237-244}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Komitet Słowianoznawstwa PAN}, abstract={The next issue of the Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols, published in Lublin under the editorship of Prof. E. Bartminski, is dedicated to the theme Flowers. Unlike many types of plants, whose cultural semantics "superimpose" on their practical significance in human life, flowers have an almost exclusively symbolic function – they serve as a decoration of the home space and a means of marking persons and objects that perform special ceremonial roles.}, type={Recenzje / Book Reviews}, title={New issue of the Dictionary of folk stereotypes and symbols}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/117750/PDF/2020-01-ROSL-15-Tolstaja.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rslaw.2020.134718}, keywords={Polish folk culture, cultural stereotypes, ethnolinguistics, dictionary, semantics, symbolism, flowers}, }