@ARTICLE{Barchańska_Hanna_Interaction_2020, author={Barchańska, Hanna and Czaplicka, Marianna and Kyzioł-Komosińska, Joanna}, volume={vol. 46}, number={No 3}, pages={80-91}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The pesticide persistence, in particular in soils, often significantly exceeding the declarations of their manufacturers is surprising. There are many publications devoted to the explanation of this phenomenon in the field literature, but the diverse research methodologies used may lead to the ambiguous conclusions. On the basis of the collected literature, the attempt was made to systematize the available information on the interactions of commonly used groups of pesticides with individual soil components. The complex mechanisms of interactions between pesticides and soil based on van der Waals forces, ionic and covalent bonding, ligand exchange and charge transfer complexes formation were demonstrated. It was also proved that the nature of interactions is strictly dependent on the structure of the pesticide molecule. The conclusion of the review may contribute to the choice of plant protection products that, in addition to their effectiveness, are as little ballast for the environment as possible.}, type={Article}, title={Interaction of selected pesticides with mineral and organic soil components}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/117976/Archives%20vol%2046%20no%203_80_91.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2020.134538}, keywords={soil, pesticides, desorption, adsorption, interactions}, }