@ARTICLE{Krasniqi_Gezim_Albanian_2017, author={Krasniqi, Gezim}, volume={vol. 6}, number={No 1}, journal={Central and Eastern European Migration Review}, pages={49-64}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk, Ośrodek Badań nad Migracjami UW}, abstract={This paper examines the Albanian state–nation constellation in the Balkans in the light of the European Union (EU) integration process with a focus on citizenship configurations in Kosovo and Albania. It addresses an important puzzle: why legal norms of citizenship do not follow the emerging practice of stronger trans-border co-operation in the Albanian ethnic and cultural space. The study shows that the process of EU integration is the key to understanding and explaining this puzzle, for it provides an opportunity for ‘constructive ambiguity’ around which both ethnic and statist brands of Albanian na-tionalism, as well as various elite fractions, can coalesce and coexist. In a wider context, Albanian citizenship configurations are shaped by the ever-evolving complex relationship between nation, state and Europe.}, type={Article}, title={Albanian Citizenship Configurations in the Balkans}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/118005/PDF-MASTER/4_Krasniqi_Albanian_Citizenship_Configurations_in_the_Balkans_0.pdf}, keywords={Albania, Kosovo, citizenship, nation-state, Europe}, }