@ARTICLE{Kardas_Klaudia_“I_2020, author={Kardas, Klaudia}, number={No 3 (360)}, journal={Ruch Literacki}, pages={313-330}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział w Krakowie Komisja Historycznoliteracka}, publisher={Uniwersytet Jagielloński Wydział Polonistyki}, abstract={Maria Hagen-Schwerin was a 19th-century novelist and poet. She was a prolific author of popular romances with aristocratic heroes and plots that revolve around love and marriage in high society. However, what kept Mrs Hagen in the public eye was her unconventional life style, her debts and an unending string of affairs whose sensational twists eclipsed anything that could be found her polite fiction. Her feuds, especially with another controversial woman of the fin-de- siècle Cracow, the playwright and novelist Gabriela Zapolska, were the talk of the town. Maria Hagen descended, on her father's side from a long line of nobles (Łoś) and on her mother's side from one of Cracow's wealthiest merchant families (Kirchmayer). Her elder brother Wincenty Łoś was an acclaimed writer and art collector. It is no exaggeration to say that Maria Hagen was heir to a family legacy of great achievements and of great scandals, too, in politics as well as in economic and social life. Some of her ancestors also ventured into literature thus building a family tradition which continued for three centuries. Maria Hagen picked up that thread and became a successful writer in her day. Now she belongs to that large category of writers once famous, but quickly forgotten. The problem lies not in the fact that nobody reads her books, but that her work has attracted virtually no attention from students of nineteenth-century literature and culture, and, astonishingly enough, no critical study of her work has been written for over 150 years since her death.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={“I beg for one thing only, the great good gift – oblivion”: Maria Hagen-Schwerin, a Galician woman poet and author}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/118110/PDF/2020-03-RL-06-Kardas.pdf}, doi={10.24425/rl.2020.135110}, keywords={Polish literature of the late 19th century, artists and literati in Galicia, Cracow, women writers, popular romances of high life, aristocrats in fiction and in real life, Gabriela Zapolska (1857–1921), Maria Hagen-Schwerin (1859–1918)}, }