@ARTICLE{Gałka_Mariusz_Subfossil_2010, author={Gałka, Mariusz}, volume={Vol. 27}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={11-15}, howpublished={online}, year={2010}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={Fructification of Stratiotes aloides L. is very rarely recorded at present. In general, there are only one sex representatives in each lake basin, which simply makes generative reproduction difficult. The subfossil seeds of Stratiotes aloides have been found in five localities of biogenic accumulation in northern and central Poland.}, type={Article}, title={Subfossil seeds of Stratiotes aloides L. in northern and central Poland}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/118411/PDF-MASTER/11_15new_opt.pdf}, keywords={Stratiotes aloides, subfossil seeds, paleoecology, Holocene}, }