@ARTICLE{Patkowska_Elżbieta_Effectiveness_2006, author={Patkowska, Elżbieta}, volume={vol. 46}, number={No 1}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, pages={15-28}, howpublished={online}, year={2006}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={The purpose of the present work was to estimate the effectiveness of grapefruit extract and Pythium oligandrum in protection of common bean, runner bean and pea from soil-borne pathogenic fungi. The investigated preparations were used for seed dressing and spraying plants at the beginning of anthesis. The results pointed out that the applied products considerably improved emergence, healthiness and yielding of the examined plant species. Besides, Biosept 33 SL showed a better effect than Polyversum. Independently on the species, the fewest plants, with the greatest proportion of infected ones and the smallest yield of seeds were obtained from the untreated control. Alternaria alternata, Fusarium spp., Pythium irregulare, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were frequently isolated from infected roots and stem bases as well as from seeds of bean and pea. Fusarium oxysporum tuned out to be dominant. The proportion of the above listed fungi in the treatments with Biosept 33 SL or Polyversum was smaller than in the control. At the same time, the role of those fungi in infecting the plants of common bean, runner bean and pea treated with Biosept 33 SL was only a little smaller than after using Polyversum.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Effectiveness of grapefruit extract and Pythium oligandrum in the control of bean and peas pathogens}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/118503/PDF-MASTER/pan_doi_blank.pdf}, keywords={bean, pea, grapefruit extract, Pythium oligandrum, control}, }