@ARTICLE{Wachowska_Urszula_Influence_2005, author={Wachowska, Urszula and Borawska, Monika}, volume={vol. 45}, number={No 1}, pages={25-35}, journal={Journal of Plant Protection Research}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Committee of Plant Protection PAS}, publisher={Institute of Plant Protection – National Research Institute}, abstract={The incidence of fusarium foot-rot occurrence on the winter wheat cultivars Roma and Sakwa was examined in the years 2001–2003. Strict plot experiments were set up by the method of random sub-blocks in Tomaszkowo near Olsztyn. Fungicides were applied on the growing plants during the periods of shooting and heading. The control plots were sprayed with water. The sanitary state of leaf sheaths was evaluated at heading phase (GS 55). The symptoms of fusarium foot-rot were examined at the phase of milky maturity (GS 75) and waxy maturity of grain (GS 87). The study aimed at assessing the average index of infection of the winter wheat stem base caused by the species of Fusarium genus, assessing the vulnerability of the Roma and Sakwa cultivars to these fungi and determining the effectiveness of pesticides in control of fusarium foot-rot. Fusarium foot-rot (Fusarium spp.) of winter wheat dominated on the winter wheat stem base. Most of the examined stems were severely infected. The Roma cultivar was more susceptible to infection by Fusarium fungi than the Sakwa cultivar. The effectiveness of fungicides in controlling fusarium foot-rot on the winter wheat was satisfactory, but largely depended on the cultivar and weather conditions. Mirage 450EC and Sportak Alpha 380EC fungicides were the most effective. The species F. culmorum and F. avenaceum dominated in the fungal populations colonizing the stem base of winter wheat with visible symptoms typical of fusarium foot-rot.}, title={Influence of plant protection products on the decrease of Fusarium foot-rot (Fusarium spp.) of winter wheat}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/118580/PDF-MASTER/25-35_Influence%20of%20plant.pdf}, keywords={foot-rot, winter wheat, fungicide}, }