@ARTICLE{Zhyber_Tetiana_The_2020, author={Zhyber, Tetiana and Solopenko, Tetiana}, volume={vol. 23}, number={No 4}, journal={Polityka Energetyczna - Energy Policy Journal}, pages={91-104}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN}, abstract={The research is devoted to the organization of the energy policy objectives implementation through programs. A country’s energy policy can be monitored in many ways. The article proposes to consider the implementation of energy policy objectives with the budget programs maintenance on the example of Ukraine. Budget programs make it possible to trace the dynamics of changes in the aim and directions of the authorities’ energy policy, implemented for budgetary funds. With the budget programs since 2002 in Ukraine, it was possible to trace the increase in spending on the coal industry, highlight the funding forced of negative consequences in the energy sector and separate the steps to develop an energy strategy. Changes in the totality of energy policy budget programs are shown, their contents are considered. The decrease in the budget programs number associated both with the enlargement of their aim and with the withdrawal expenses for reconstruction and social protection of those affected by the previous energy activities from the budget funding. To assess budget programs planning and implementation uniformity the author’s integrated indicator is proposed. It takes the funding level and the quality indicator implementation on assignment directions into account. The calculation of the indicator showed that the expenditures for the general management of the energy policy and for scientific development are planned in the programs more evenly than the expenses for the energy strategy implementation.}, type={Article}, title={The implementation of Ukraine’s energy policy using budget programs}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/119084/PDF-MASTER/06-10-Zhyber-i-Solopenko.pdf}, keywords={energy policy, program management, program budgeting, controlling in energy policy implementation}, }