@ARTICLE{Nyka_Maciej_International_2020, author={Nyka, Maciej}, volume={No XXXIX}, pages={9-20}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, howpublished={online}, year={2020}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The concept of intergenerational justice is deeply rooted into the regulation of activities in the Area. United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on many occasions stresses the need to protect the marine environment in the interest of both contemporary and future generations. One of the institutions with vast competences in this field is the International Seabed Authority. With a perspective on inevitable commercial exploration and exploitation of seabed resources there is a need to answer the question if the Seabed Authority is properly prepared both in the field of law and policy to act as a steward of a mankind? Which instruments has been developed to ensure sustainable use of seabed resources and which of them are at the disposal of the International Seabed Authority? Finally, are the standards of the protection of seabed environment sufficient to satisfy the needs of contemporary consumption without diminishing the ability of the mankind in the future to freely choose their path of development? We can assume that environmental standards which would protect the interest of future people would also secure the sustainability in contemporary use of common heritage at the Seas. International Seabed Authority and international law of the sea can play important role in this process by shaping the future of the mankind with actions undertaken today.}, type={Article}, title={International Seabed Authority and Environmental Deep-Sea Stewardship – Principles Governing the Protection and Use of Seabed Resources}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/119355/2020-02-PRMO-01-Nyka.pdf}, doi={10.24425/pm.2020.136456}, keywords={Deep Sea Stewardship, Deep Sea Mining, International Seabed Authority, Future Generations rights, common heritage of mankind}, }