@ARTICLE{Primus_Arkadiusz_Concepts_2021, author={Primus, Arkadiusz and Chmielniak, Tadeusz and Rosik-Dulewska, Czesława}, volume={vol. 47}, number={No 2}, pages={70-80}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The introduction highlights the technologies of converting the chemical energy of biomass and municipal waste into various forms of final energy (electricity, heat, cooling, new fuels) as important in the pursuit of a low-carbon economy, especially for energy and transport sector. The work continues to focus mainly on gasification as a process of energy valorization of the initial form of biomass or waste, which does not imply that other methods of biomass energy use are not considered or used. Furthermore, the article presents a general technological flowchart of gasification with a gas purification process developed by Investeko S.A. in the framework of Lifecogeneration.pl. In addition, selected properties of the municipal waste residual fraction are described, which are of key importance when selecting the technology for its energy recovery. Significant quality parameters were identified, which have a significant impact on the production and quality of syngas, hydrogen production and electricity generation capacity in SOFC cells. On the basis of the research on the waste stream, a preliminary qualitative assessment was made in the context of the possibility of using the waste gasification technology, syngas production with a significant share of hydrogen and in combination with the technology of energy production in oxide-ceramic SOFC cells. The article presents configurations of energy systems with a fuel cell, with particular emphasis on oxide fuel cells and their integration with waste gasification process. An important part of the content of the article is also the environmental protection requirements for the proposed solution.}, type={Article}, title={Concepts of energy use of municipal solid waste}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/119729/PDF/Archives%20vol%2047_2pp70_80.pdf}, doi={10.24425/aep.2021.137279}, keywords={municipal solid waste, hydrogen, fuel cells, cogeneration, waste gasification}, }