@ARTICLE{Sharma_Shubhangani_Waterlogging_2021, author={Sharma, Shubhangani and Sharma, Jyotshana and Soni, Vineet and Kalaji, Hazem M. and Elsheery, Nabil I.}, number={No 49}, pages={16-28}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The natural environment is being drastically affected by climate change. Under these severe environmental conditions, the growth and productivity of agricultural crops have reduced. Due to unpredictable rainfall, crops growing in the field are often exposed to waterlogging. This leads to significant crop damage and production losses. In this review paper, the mor-phological and physiological adaptations such as development of aerenchyma, adventitious roots, radial root oxygen loss barrier, and changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of crops under waterlogging are discussed. This will help to understand the effects of waterlogging on various crops and their adaptation that promotes crop growth and productivity. To meet the food requirements of a growing population, the development of waterlogging tolerant crops by screening and plant breeding methods is necessary for plant breeders. Better knowledge of physiological mechanisms in response to waterlogging will facilitate the development of techniques and methods to improve tolerance in crops.}, type={Article}, title={Waterlogging tolerance: A review on regulative morpho-physiological homeostasis of crop plants}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/119789/2%20Sharma%20et%20Kalaji%20et%20al%20904.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2021.137092}, keywords={antioxidants, cellular metabolites, climate change, photosynthesis, waterlogging}, }