@ARTICLE{Wahyuni_Ida_A.M._Community_2021, author={Wahyuni, Ida A.M. and Weni, I M. and Hariyanto, Tommy and Sedyowati, Laksni}, number={No 49}, pages={204-212}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={Resettlement programmes in riverbank areas remain an alternative solution to overcoming the problems of urban flood-ing, the addressing of which can also lead to reducing slums. Such programmes have many weaknesses, but even so, several countries continue to implement them. This paper will elaborate: 1) an understanding that reductions in flood risk and en-hancements to environmental quality along riverbanks can be realised, without the need for resettlement, as a result of co- operation between local communities, governments and businesses; 2) the socio-economic benefits of improving the riverbank environment in Tridi Kampong, Malang City, Indonesia. This study employed qualitative and quantitative methods. The results of quantitative analysis and of interviews and direct observation indicate that collective action by the community has the greatest influence on the construction of that community’s commitment to improving the environment. Environmental improvements have resulted in significant socio-economic benefits by making the kampong a domestic and international tourism destination and drawing increased numbers of visitors to the region.}, type={Article}, title={Community enhancement of the environmental quality of riverbank settlements: A case study of Tridi Kampong, Indonesia}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120131/23%20Wahyuni%20Sedyowati%20et%20al%20748.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2021.137113}, keywords={environmental risk management, informal settlement, social exchange, socio-economic benefits, tourism destination}, }