@ARTICLE{Punia_Poonam_Development_2021, author={Punia, Poonam and Bala, Manju}, volume={vol. 52}, number={No 1}, pages={117-129}, journal={Polish Psychological Bulletin}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Committee for Psychological Science PAS}, abstract={Abstract: The present study was carried out to develop a valid and reliable scale for assessing enthusiasm among teachers teaching at the school level. Methods: After reviewing the literature and discussing with experts, an item pool of 115 statements was created. The items were organized into seven dimensions of teacher enthusiasm based on factors generated after performing exploratory factor analysis. These seven dimensions were: Interest and Engagement (IE), Interaction with Students (IWS), Passion for Teaching (PT), Creativity and Innovation (CI), Professional Development (PD), Subject Knowledge Enrichment (SKE), and Professional Commitment (PC). The responses of teachers were taken on five points Likert scale. The standardization of the scale was completed on 558 teachers, who were teaching at Primary, Secondary and Senior Secondary level schools in the state of Haryana in India. Multi-stage random sampling was used to select the sample. Results: Item analysis was done by calculating t-value and r-value for each statement; twenty items were deleted and 95 items were retained. Factor analysis (principal component methods) generated seven factors behind the teacher enthusiasm scale which explain 44.02% of the total variance together. Cronbach's Alpha of the final teacher enthusiasm scale was .957. The final teacher enthusiasm scale contains 78 items. Discussion: The findings of the present study suggest that it would be a useful tool for future research and will help in assessing the enthusiasm of the teachers. The results have demonstrated that this teacher enthusiasm scale is a reliable and valid tool. Implications for practitioners: The teacher enthusiasm scale would be useful for different stakeholders (government, school administration and management) as they can evaluate the enthusiasm of teachers while selection process and due weightage can be given to the enthusiastic candidates. Enthusiastic teachers can work effectively for children with special needs along with normal students.}, title={Development and Validation of Teacher Enthusiasm Scale}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120169/PDF/2021-01-PPB-10-Punia.pdf}, keywords={Teacher Enthusiasm, Student Interaction, Professional Development, Professional Commitment, Passion, Creativity and Innovation}, }