@ARTICLE{Król_Roman_Resonance_2021, author={Król, Roman}, volume={vol. 68}, number={No 3}, pages={303-320}, journal={Archive of Mechanical Engineering}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee on Machine Building}, abstract={In this paper a versatile analysis of the cycloidal gearbox vibrations and the resonance phenomenon was performed. The objective of this work was to show resonance phenomenon and vibrations study in the multibody dynamics model and in the finite element model of the cycloidal gearbox. The output torque was analyzed as a function of the external sleeves stiffness. The results from the multibody dynamics model were verified in the finite element model using natural frequency with load stiffening, direct frequency response and direct transient response analyses. It was shown that natural frequencies of the cycloidal gearbox undergo changes during motion of the mechanism. The gearbox passes through the thresholds of the increased vibration amplitudes, which lead to excessive wear of the external sleeves. The analysis in the multibody dynamics model showed, that the increase in the external sleeves stiffness increases frequency of the second-order fluctuation at the output shaft. Small stiffness of the external sleeves guarantees lower frequency of the second order vibrations and higher peak-to-peak values of the output torque. The performed research plays important role in the cycloidal gearbox design. This work shows gearbox dynamics problems which are associated with wear of the external sleeves.}, title={Resonance phenomenon in the single stage cycloidal gearbox. Analysis of vibrations at the output shaft as a function of the external sleeves stiffness}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120531/PDF/AME_2021_137050.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ame.2021.137050}, keywords={cycloidal gearbox, dynamics, resonanse, gearbox vibration, multibody dynamics, multibody simulation, finite element method, gearbox resonanse}, }