@ARTICLE{Koziński_Mirosław_H._The_2003, author={Koziński, Mirosław H.}, number={No XVIII}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={5-24}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={An analysis of the regulations of this extensive normative act that governs maritime civil law prompts the author to some critical comments. The result of these criticisms are suggestions for the modification of several norms of the Maritime Code. It is the view of the author that, despite the fact that the new legislation has only recently come into force, an urgent revision is necessary. Part of the proposed changes concern minor mistakes that arose at the final stage of the legislative process. There are, however, also proposals that go further, e.g. the removal from the legislation of the new institution of the Polish yacht register. In total, the author presents more than 50 changes to the new Maritime Code. Along with such revisions, the author also proposes new solutions which have not hitherto existed in the Polish Maritime Code. An example of such a proposal is that of introducing into the Maritime Code the obligation of financial security for ship owners responsible to cover damage done by pollutants other than crude oil. Besides arguments in favour of particular proposals for legislative changes, the article contains concrete outlines of new regulations.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={The Revision of the Maritime Code (2001)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120601/PDF-MASTER/1_PM_XVIII_Kozinski_Celowosc.pdf}, }