@ARTICLE{Dragun-Gertner_Maria_Guidelines_2001, author={Dragun-Gertner, Maria}, number={No XVI}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={47-57}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={A debate has been going on for some time within the International Maritime Organization (IMO) concerning necessary legal considerations that would improve the system of international legislation referring to liability for damage connected with the use of shipping vessels. A proposal relating to a general convention on liability for damage caused by vessels was not approved. On 25 November 1999, the Congress of the IMO passed resolution A.898/21/: Guidelines on Shipowners' Responsibilities in Respect ofMaritime Claims. These guidelines have been passed on to member governments and they contain recommendations that those governments should begin to try to persuade maritime ship owners to obtain insurance or another type of financial security in accordance with the principles set out in the guidelines. The guidelines also urge ship owners to obtain insurance cover for their vessels in accordance with the demands of the guidelines, and also to deal with claims relating to any one of their ships. The Legal Committee of the IMO was directed to supervise and review the guidelines, should the need arise.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Guidelines of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) concerning Liability Insurance in Respect ofMaritime Claims}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120685/PDF-MASTER/4_PM_XVI_Dragun_Gertner_Wytyczne.pdf}, }