@ARTICLE{Pyć_Dorota_Regionalism:_2001, author={Pyć, Dorota}, number={No XV}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={29-41}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={The author stresses that the co-operation of states in the Baltic Region is a matter of European importance as a consequence of the multiplicity of connections in the region. In the post-war history of Europe, two processes can be observed. These are integration and regionalisation. One can define the Baltic Sea as the "backbone of Baltic Europe." There are various formulations of the concept of the Baltic Region. The basic aims of "Baltic Europe" are development, balance between economic development and the natural environment, freedom and subsidiarity, and solidarity. The Helsinki Commission was created on the basis of the Helsinki Convention of 1992, and it is the most institutionalised form of co-operation among the states of the Baltic Region. The Fishing Commission was created by the Gdańsk Convention of 1973. Agenda 21 provides guidelines for the development of industry, transport and farming etc. The Conference of Transport Ministers of the States of the Baltic Region functions on a ministerial level. The article contains a discussion of other institutional forms of co-operation among the states of the Baltic Region.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Regionalism: Integration and Co-operation in the Baltic Region}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120694/PDF-MASTER/3_PM_XV_Pyc_Regionalizm.pdf}, }