@ARTICLE{Zużewicz_Iwona_Community_2001, author={Zużewicz, Iwona}, number={No XV}, journal={Prawo Morskie}, pages={105-140}, howpublished={online}, year={2001}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Gdańsku}, abstract={In stages, based on the law originally constituted by the founding treaty of the European Community, competition policy covered all spheres of maritime activity: sea-faring activities; the exploitation of ports; ship building; sea fishing. Competition policy has a prominent place in the economic perspective sketched out by the creators of the Treaty of Rome. Competition law has to serve the building of a single market, in which conditions are to be analogical to those within a national market. From the point of view of competition rules, the sphere ofmaritime navigation should be normalised in the same manner as every other sphere of economic activity. Community norms of competition law addressed to firms have three basic elements: a ban on anticompetition agreements; a ban on abuse of a dominant market position; and an initial regulation of concentration of firms. The competition rules in the area of maritime navigation derive simply from the general principles relating to competition addressed to firms. The regulation of the concentration of firms has as its aim - based on research into the development of market structure - the prevention of the emergence in the market of the kinds of configuration of entities which could hinder effective competition.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Community Competition Law in Maritime Navigation: Rules of Competition Directed at Firms}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120699/PDF-MASTER/8_PM_XV_Zuzewicz_Wspolnotowe.pdf}, }