@ARTICLE{Sebestianiuk_Piotr_On_2021, author={Sebestianiuk, Piotr and Perkowski, Dariusz M. and Kulchytsky-Zhyhailo, Roman}, volume={69}, number={6}, pages={e138091}, journal={Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences: Technical Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, abstract={The paper presents an analysis of the influence of the shape of the rigid body pressed into the micro-periodic composite half-space on the examples of two punch shapes – parabolic and rectangular. The presented material is a layered body that consists of infinitely many thin alternately arranged homogenous layers. Layers of the presented composite are oblique to the boundary surface. Two cases of punch tip shape are examined – parabolic and rectangular. The presented problem has been formulated within the framework of a homogenized model with microlocal parameters and solved using the elastic potentials method and averaged boundary condition. Fourier integral transform method has been used to obtain the solution and the inverse integrals have been calculated numerically. Solutions in terms of contact pressure and maximum pressure characteristics were shown in the form of graphs.}, title={On elastic contact problems of micro-periodic slant layered composite pressed by a rigid punch with a parabolic or rectangular shape}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120813/PDF-MASTER/Z_19_02083_Bpast.No.69(6)_OK.pdf}, doi={10.24425/bpasts.2021.138091}, keywords={contact problem, micro-periodic composite, punch shape}, }