@ARTICLE{Wang_Xufeng_A_2021, author={Wang, Xufeng and Wang, Jiyao and Chen, Xuyang and Chen, Zechao}, volume={vol. 66}, number={No 3}, pages={407-419}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={In deep mines, since the broken surrounding rocks & high-stress level of a roadway being near a coal seam, the creep characteristics of surrounding rocks should be considered as the main influencing factor in the selection for the roadway’s location of the lower coal seam. Both VI15 and VI16-17 coal seams of the Pingdingshan No. 4 Coal Mine, in China, Henan province, are close coal seams with a depth of around 900 m. According to the traditional formula calculation results, when the lower coal seam roadway is staggered 10 m to the upper coal seam goaf, the roadway pressure behaviour is significant, and the support becomes difficult. In this paper, the properties of surrounding rock were tested and the influence of lower coal seam on the stress state of surrounding rock is analysed by numerical simulation, and systematic analysis on the stress and creep characteristics of the surrounding rock of the mining roadway and its effects on the deformation is performed. The results demonstrated that the roadway’s locations in the lower coal seam can be initially divided into three zones: the zone with accelerated creep, the transition creep zone and the insignificant creep zone. The authors believed that the roadway layout in an insignificant creep zone can achieve a better supporting effect. Based on the geological conditions of the roadway 23070 of the VI16-17 coal seam of the Pingdingshan No. 4 Coal Mine, combined with the above analysis, a reasonable location of roadway (internal offset of 30 m) was determined using numerical simulation method. The reliability of the research results is verified by field measurement. The above results can provide a reference for selecting the roadway’s location under similar conditions.}, title={A Roadway in Close Distance to Coal Seam in Deep Mine: Location Selection and Supporting Practice based on Creep Characteristics of Surrounding Rocks}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120848/PDF/Archiwum-66-3-06-Jiyao%20Wang.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2021.138597}, keywords={deep mine, close distance, coal seam group, location of roadway, creep}, }