@ARTICLE{Rotkegel_Marek_Analysis_2021, author={Rotkegel, Marek and Korol, Jerzy and Sobczak, Dagmara}, volume={vol. 66}, number={No 3}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, pages={437-455}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={The article is the result of a project aimed at developing and implementing a design of composite accessories for support in excavations located in underground hard coal mines. The research team verified the possibility of using elements made of prefabricated composite structural profile as an alternative to steel and reinforced concrete lining elements used to improve support’s stability and protect against rockfall. This paper includes a research experiment on the possibilities of using a composite C-profile element as lining made in the pultrusion technology with a longitudinal position of the roving. The prefabricated structural profiles were adapted to the function by designing seatings for fitting the flanges for arch support’s V-profiles. Prototypes of these elements were subjected to bench tests in compliance with the guidelines for testing mesh linings. In addition, computer simulations using the finite element method were carried out. The values obtained during the tests were compared with the requirements for lightweight mesh and included the Polish standard PN-G-15050 and reinforced A-type concrete lining defined in the standard ­PN-G-06021. The team determined the areas where material strength exceeded and the structure was damaged. Despite the limited quantity of laboratory tests and lack of field tests in actual mining conditions, it was possible to address the argument of the research and determine whether it is possible to use C-profile made in the pultrusion technology as a lining element.}, type={Article}, title={Analysis of the Possibilities of Using Composite Structural C-Channels as Lining for an Arch Support in Mining Excavation}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120850/Archiwum-66-3-08-Rotkegel.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2021.138599}, keywords={research, lining, arch support, composite c-channels}, }