@ARTICLE{Pieńkowski_Ludwik_Nuclear_2021, author={Pieńkowski, Ludwik}, number={No 1 (69) Energy Transtion}, journal={ACADEMIA. The magazine of the Polish Academy of Sciences}, pages={79-83}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, language={eng}, abstract={Nuclear power was one of the factors underpinning the post-war success of the Euro-Atlantic region. The world is now in great need of a similar step forward}, type={Article}, title={Nuclear Power: Myths vs. Realities}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/120870/079-083_Pienkowski_ang.pdf}, doi={10.24425/academiaPAS.2021.138417}, keywords={nuclear power, nuclear reactor, nuclear fuel}, }