@ARTICLE{Podavalenko_Alla_Incidence_2021, author={Podavalenko, Alla and Malysh, Nina and Zadorozhna, Victoriya and Chemych, Mycola and Biryukova, Svetlana and Chorna, Inna}, volume={Vol. 61}, number={No 2}, journal={Folia Medica Cracoviensia}, pages={91-102}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Oddział PAN w Krakowie; Uniwersytet Jagielloński – Collegium Medicum}, abstract={The article, based on the reports of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, presents the materials of the epidemiological surveillance of salmonellosis in 2011–2018. To assess the influence of factors on the epidemic process of salmonellosis, the demographic situation, income and living conditions of the popu-lation were studied; average monthly air temperature, relative humidity, precipitation; the quantitative and qualitative composition of the microbiocenosis of patients with signs of acute intestinal infection. It was found that in Ukraine the incidence of salmonellosis is high. Outbreaks of salmonellosis are recorded. S. enteritidis is most often isolated from the clinical material of patients, carriers and human objects (p <0.05). The risk groups for salmonellosis are children (p <0.05), as well as the rural population (p <0.05). The low level of sanitary and epidemiological control at the stages of production, transportation and sale of food products, water supply contributes to the spread of salmonellosis. Natural factors have a regulating effect on the intensity of the epidemic salmonella process: a strong direct relationship is established between the incidence and air temperature and precipitation (p <0.05). Salmonella enters into a competitive or synergistic relationship with other microorganisms in the intestinal biotope. Thus, the intensity of the epidemic process of salmonellosis can be influenced not only by external (natural and social), but also by internal factors.}, type={Article}, title={Incidence and risk factors of salmonellosis in Ukraine}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121087/2021-02-FMC-08-Podavalenko-etal.pdf}, doi={10.24425/fmc.2021.137226}, keywords={salmonellosis, epidemic situation, epidemiological surveillance, correlation, factors}, }