@ARTICLE{Peressin_Roberto_Armenian, author={Peressin, Roberto}, volume={Vol. 76 (2021)}, journal={Meander}, pages={45-62}, howpublished={online}, publisher={Committee on Ancient Culture of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Classical Studies, Faculty of Polish Studies, UW.}, abstract={The article presents an analysis of the Armenian translation of Plato’s Laws dating back to the so-called Hellenizing school (sixth–eighth century AD). The analysis is predominantly a linguistic one, although issues such as stylistics are touched upon as well. Thorough examination of the manifold ways of translating various Greek grammatical structures present in the text contributes to the wider discussion surrounding its dating.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Armenian Translations of Greek Texts. Analysis of Pl. Leg. II 652 a – 660 a}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121326/PDF-MASTER/2021-MNDR-06-Peressin.pdf}, doi={10.24425/meander.2021.138769}, }