@ARTICLE{Sitpayeva_Gulnara_Bringing_2021, author={Sitpayeva, Gulnara and Yerekeyeva, Svetlana and Grudzinskaya, Lyudmila and Gemejieva, Nadejda and Anarbekova, Gulshat and Saikenov, Bakytzhan}, number={No 50}, pages={207-219}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={In the current study, it was tried to investigate the medicinal plants of the native flora of the Northern Tien Shan to bring them into domestication. The study was carried out on the territory of a botanical garden located at an altitude of 880 m a.s.l., in the foothill steppe zone of the Zailiysky Alatau ridge, People’s Republic of China on light chestnut loamy soils. In 2018–2019, more than 90 samples of 51 species of medicinal plants of the Northern Tien Shan flora was selected from 17 families for introduction tests. The families Compositae (10 genera, 12 species) and Lamiaceae (12 genera, 13 species) were represented by the largest numbers of genera and species. The family Leguminosae was represented by four species from four genera; the families Polygonaceae and Ranunculaceae, by three species each; the family Rosaceae, by two species; and the remaining 11 families, by one species each. The results suggested that the majority of medicinal plants of the Northern Tien Shan tested can be successfully cultivated in the foothill zone of the Zailiysky Alatau. The results indicated that when propagated by seed, the laboratory germination varied from 2 to 30%, and the mass of seeds was 0.21 g. When sown in spring, the field germination was 8%, and when sown in autumn, 42% from 50 to 70% of seedlings survived until the end of the growing season. The massive flowering was observed in the third year, and the plants vegetated until the end of the growing season.}, type={Article}, title={Bringing medicinal plants of the native flora of the northern Tien Shan into cultivation}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121366/PDF-MASTER/2021-03-JLWD-22-Sitpayeva.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2021.138176}, keywords={botanical garden, loamy soils, medicinal plants, northern Tien Shan}, }