@ARTICLE{Martusewicz_Janusz_General_2002, author={Martusewicz, Janusz}, volume={vol. 51}, number={No 1/2}, journal={Geodesy and Cartography}, pages={11-33}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk/ Komitet Geodezji Polskiej Akademii Nauk; Polish Academy of Sciences / Commitee on Geodesy Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={In this paper the general solution of nonlinear satellite pseudorange equation system has been given. This solution was obtained by the application of the new positional transformation determining relations between the points in three-dimension space. It has been proved that computation of the position does not require knowledge of the light speed, occuring in pseudorange measurements, or determination of approximate coordinates. The general solution allows one to obtain all possible solutions including complex conjugate positions. This work has also stated that there exists some space regions in which it is not possible to determine the positions in the domain of real numbers. This is especially important in navigation of objects moving in the space.}, type={Article}, title={General solution of pseudorange equation system for GPS positioning}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121502/PDF/4_GK_TOM_LI_ZESZYT_1-2_2002_Martusewicz_Ogolne.pdf}, }