@ARTICLE{Szeroczyńska_Krystyna_Palaeohydrological_2002, author={Szeroczyńska, Krystyna and Gąsiorowski, Michał}, volume={Vol.19}, journal={Studia Quaternaria}, pages={55-60}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Committee for Quaternary Research PAS}, publisher={Institute of Geological Sciences PAS}, abstract={Cladocera are a group of water animals, which are strongly dependent on environmental conditions. The ratio of planktonie to littoral Cladocera species is a widely used tool in palaeohydrological reconstruction of lakes' water level changes. Interpretation of this ratio is still unclear and requires further evidence. The simplest indicator of water level, which can be used in tracing lake-peat bog transitions, is the presence or absence of Cladocera and the character of its disappearance. In general, two models of Cladocera decline are observed. The first model is characterized by a very abrupt disappearance of all species, whereas the second one. with an intermediate stage, is characterized by domination of specific species. These two models are related to different types of terminal history of the water body. Even after a total disappearance of water in the peat bogs, there were episodes of some pioneer cladoceran species presence, correlated with periods of humid climate.}, type={Article}, title={Palaeohydrological aspect of transformation of lakes into peat bogs during Middle Holocene on the basis of Cladocera analysis in the northern Poland}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121769/PDF-MASTER/7_STUDIA_VOL_19_2002_Szeroczynska_Palaeohydrological.pdf}, keywords={Cladocera remains, fossil lakes, Middle Holocene, palaeohydrology}, }