@ARTICLE{Dmitruk_Michał_Tomasz_Analysis_2021, author={Dmitruk, Michał Tomasz}, volume={vol. 66}, number={No 4}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, pages={543-560}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={One of the ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere is to minimise the production of fossil fuels energy, which, among others, can be achieved through gradual closure of hard and brown coal mines. However, such transformation comes with economic and social problems as well as structural changes. This article is a case study based on the objectives of the Spatial Development Plan for the Central Coal Region (CRW) – Lublin Coal Basin (LZW), developed as a consequence of the discovery of significant hard coal deposits in the north-eastern part of the Lublin voivodeship in the 1960’s. In retrospect, it can be observed that the overly ambitious objectives of the CRW-LZW urban plan were implemented only to a limited extent. This article aims to compare the original urban planning objectives with the current development of the industrial district and to indicate the cause for such a significant limitation of the realisation of the originally planned investment. Also, the article endeavours to simultaneously emphasize which factors should be specially considered, when planning such large-scope investments, that also broadly influence demographic and urban structure of the region and the way it is functioning. The analysis was carried out in the context of economic difficulties and the political crisis at the turn of the 1970s and 1980s, the changes in the country’s political and economic system, as well as the principles of the socio-economic concept of sustainable development implemented at the end of the 20th century, and the currently prevailing circular economy. The characteristics and analysis of the adopted design solutions were carried out, the assessment of the extent to which the planned investment was completed and what factors influenced its current condition. The collected data is summarized and compared in a table. The conclusions may prove helpful in establishing the direction of Lublin Coal Basin the development in the coming years. The described solutions and experiences may constitute the theoretical basis for accurate forecasting of the scope of similar investments in the future.}, type={Article}, title={Analysis of the Objectives and the Level of Implementation of the Spatial Development Plan of the Central Coal Region – the Lublin Coal Basin (CRW-LZW)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121875/PDF/Archiwum-66-4-04-Dmitruk.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2021.139596}, keywords={mining, transformation, spatial planning, urban planning, Lublin region}, }