@ARTICLE{Mroczek_Krzysztof_SoPC-based_2021, author={Mroczek, Krzysztof}, volume={vol. 67}, number={No 4}, journal={International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications}, pages={565-570}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications}, abstract={This paper presents low-cost, configurable PCI Express (PCIe) direct memory access (DMA) interface for implementation on Intel Cyclone V FPGAs. The DMA engine was designed to support DAQ tasks including pre-triggering acquisition for transient analysis and multichannel transmission. Performance of the interface has been evaluated on Terasic OVSK board (PCIe Gen2 x4). Target configuration of this interface is based on the Avalon-MM Hard IP for Cyclone V PCIe core and Jungo WinDriver x64 for Windows. A sample speed of 1200 MB/s has been reported for DMA writes to PCIe memory.}, type={Article}, title={SoPC-based DMA for PCI Express DAQ Cards}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/121889/PDF-MASTER/78_3465-Mroczek_skl_new.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ijet.2021.137847}, keywords={DAQ, DMA, SoC, PCI Express, FPGA, transient analysis}, }