@ARTICLE{Pomorski_Jan_Jerzy_2021, author={Pomorski, Jan}, volume={tom 51 Spec. Iss.}, pages={167-193}, journal={Historyka Studia Metodologiczne}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Polska Akademia Nauk Oddział PAN w Krakowie}, publisher={Instytut Historii Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego}, abstract={The paper examines the special historiographic evidence: the lost last book of the well‑known Polish historian and methodologist Professor Jerzy Topolski entitled “New Methodology of History”. Only its working outline in the form of an extensive table of contents has survived, but this does not prevent the author from making interesting hypotheses as to its meaning.}, type={Article}, title={Jerzy Topolski’s Theory of Historical Narrative. On the Trail of Professor’s Last Lost Boo}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/122059/PDF-MASTER/2021-01-HSRJ-11-Pomorski.pdf}, doi={10.24425/hsm.2021.138885}, keywords={Jerzy Topolski, theory of historical narrative, hermeneutic analysis of the historiographic evidence}, }