@ARTICLE{Safonyk_Andrii_Development_2022, author={Safonyk, Andrii and Hrytsiuk, Ivanna and Klepach, Marko and Mishchanchuk, Maksym and Khrystyuk, Andriy}, number={No 52}, pages={75-80}, journal={Journal of Water and Land Development}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences; Institute of Technology and Life Sciences - National Research Institute}, abstract={The article describes the development of a model problem for electrocoagulation treatment of industrial wastewater taking into account changes in voltage and current. The study included computer simulation of the change in the concentration of iron at the output of the electrocoagulator at variable current levels. The laboratory-scale plant was developed for the photocolorimetric analysis of the iron-containing coagulant. It consisted of a flowing opaque cell through which water is pumped with a constant flow and also the block for processing and storage of information. Such structure allows to reduce human participation in the measurement process and to ensure the continuity of measurement without any need for sampling of the tested material, as well as to reduce the measurement cost. During the processing of results, graphical dependences were determined between RGB-components of water colour and the corresponding concentration of total iron and Fe3+ in water.}, type={Article}, title={Development of an automated system for electrochemical production of coagulant based on photocolorimetric analysis}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/122398/PDF-MASTER/2022-01-JWLD-10-Safonyk.pdf}, doi={10.24425/jwld.2021.139946}, keywords={coagulant, colour of water, electrocoagulation process, photocolorimetric method, RGB, total iron, wastewater treatment}, }