@ARTICLE{Chen_Shangyuan_Key_2022, author={Chen, Shangyuan and Lv, Qian and Yuan, Yue}, volume={vol. 67}, number={No 1}, pages={55-77}, journal={Archives of Mining Sciences}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Committee of Mining PAS}, abstract={There are many problems associated with the surrounding rocks of the gob-side entry retaining by roof cutting (GERRC) as they are difficult to stabilise in deep mines. The following needs to be studied to understand the problems such as the pressure relief mechanism, evolution law of the surrounding-rock stress and the key technologies of GERRC in deep mines. Cracks are formed by advanced directional blasting to sever the path of stress transmission from the roof of the goaf to the roof of the entry and reduce the lateral cantilever length of the roof. Therefore the surrounding-rock stress and roof structure are optimised. The broken and expanded gangue formed by the collapse of the strata in the range of roof cutting fills the mining space adequately, which avoids a rapid pressure increase caused by the roof breaking impact and slows down the movement of overlying strata. The deformation of the deep surrounding rocks is transformed from “abrupt” to “slow”, and the surrounding-rock deformation of the retained entry in deep mines is significantly reduced. The average pressure and periodic pressure of the supports near the blasting line can be reduced by the blasting cracks to a certain extent, mainly due to the reduction of the length of the immediate roof cantilever and the effective load of the main roof. The combined support technologies for GERRC in deep mines were proposed, and field tests were performed. The monitoring results show that the coordinated control system can effectively control the deformation of deep rock masses, and all indexes can meet the requirements of the next working face after the retained entry is stabilised.}, title={Key Technologies and its Application of Gob-Side Entry Retaining by Roof Cutting in a Deep Mine}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/122699/PDF/Archiwum-67-1-04-Qian%20Lv.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ams.2022.140702}, keywords={deep mine, gob-side entry retaining, pressure relief mechanism, cooperative control, Engineering Application}, }