@ARTICLE{Klink_Agnieszka_Some_2009, author={Klink, Agnieszka and Krawczyk, Józef and Letachowicz, Barbara and Wisłocka, Magdalena}, volume={vol.35}, number={No 3}, pages={135-139}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The contents or Cd, Pb. Cu, Mn, Zn, Ni and Fe in different organs or Typha latifolia L., coming from six sites selected within Jezioro Wielkie (Leszczyńskie Lakeland in western Poland), were determined. Three groups or metals, cach with a different accumulation pattern within the plant were distinguished in this study. Pb, Zn and Cu were found to be the least mobile and shown the following accumulation scheme: roots> rhizomes> lower leave part> top leave part. 13y contrast, Mn, a metal which is both easily transported in plants and accumulated in green plant organs, exhibited the following accumulation scheme: roots> top leave part> lower leave part> rhizomes. Ni, Cd and re were accumulated by the cattail as follows: roots> rhizomes> top leaf part> lower leaf part. The fact that Tvpha tatifol io L. had the highest proportion 01· all the metals studied in its roots can suggest that some kind of protection barrier exists which prevents toxic compounds permeating from that part or this plant to its rhizomes and its aerial parts. The confirmation or this thesis requires some further research.}, type={Article}, title={Some Heavy Metals Accumulation and Distribution in Typ/w Latifolia L. from Lake Wielkie in Poland}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/122969/PDF-MASTER/14_AE_VOL_35_3_2009_Klink_Some.pdf}, keywords={Typha latifolia, heavy metals, accumulation}, }