@ARTICLE{Skubacz_Krystian_Measurements_2009, author={Skubacz, Krystian}, volume={vol.35}, number={No 4}, pages={23-34}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2009}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Deposition of aerosols in the respiratory tracts depends on their size distribution. Investigation of such distribution has therefore great meaning lor appropriate assessment o frisk caused by hazardous pollutants that appear in environment both as a result of human activities like industry, emission from motor vehicles. municipal emission due to house furnaces and natural phenomena. The results or screening measurements or size distribution performed in several places located on highly populated areas in Upper Silesia, Poland arc described in this paper. The applied equipment makes it possible to cover the range from several nanometers up to 20 rim, practically all particles that belong to the rcspirable class. Obtained results prove that a lot of particles having a size of the order or submicrons are produced close lo high density tra Ilic roads. This concentration strongly changed in time.}, type={Article}, title={Measurements of Aerosol Size Distribution in Urban Areas of Upper Silesia}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/122972/PDF-MASTER/4_AE_VOL_35_4_2009_Skubacz_Measurements.pdf}, keywords={roads, ultrafine particles, fine particles, coarse particles, size distribution}, }