@ARTICLE{Jabłońska_Beata_Estimating_2008, author={Jabłońska, Beata}, volume={vol. 34}, number={No.1}, pages={3-12}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2008}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Potok Golawiecki (a river in the province of Silesia) is polluted in a way typical for the Upper Silesian industrial zone. It is the river into which the Ziemowit coal mine discharges its salt waters and it also receives municipal sewage. Changes in the values of selected indicators ofwater quality for Potok Golawiecki along its course were determined in the paper. It was found that the hydrochcmical character of the water in Potok Goławiecki depended strongly on salt water discharges from mines, which were the main factor disturbing the river's natural environment. The pollution of the river makes its water non-potable, and excludes its use even in industry}, type={Article}, title={Estimating the Water Pollution in Potok Goławiecki Poland, Based on Selected Water Quality Indicators}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123043/PDF/3_AE_VOL_34_1_2008_Jablonska_Estimating.pdf}, keywords={water pollution, mine waters, water quality, mine water discharges, salinity}, }