@ARTICLE{Rosik-Dulewska_Czesława_Leaching_2008, author={Rosik-Dulewska, Czesława and Karwaczyńska, Urszula and Ciesielczuk, Tomasz}, volume={vol. 34}, number={No 3}, pages={41-47}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2008}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This work presents results of the release of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from granules composed of fly ashes, which are the product of hard and coal combustion and sewage sludge. 3 types of granulates by a weight ratio of ash to sludge 3:7 and 1: 1 were used. The research of PAH leaching was conducted within a simulated period of 24 months, with the examination of PAH washing out every three months. The highest amounts of PAH (297 - 330 μg/kg dw.) were obtained_from granulates containing 7 parts by weights of sewage sludge (3 times higher in comparison with the granulate containing ash and sludge in ratio of I: 1 ). The maximum PAH release from all the examined granulates took place in the 9th month of the research. Benzo(k)fluoranthene revealed the highest fraction (67.4-76.0%) of all examined compounds.}, type={Article}, title={Leaching of PAHs from Fly Ash - Sludge Blends}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123104/PDF/7_AE_VOL_34_3_2008_Rosik_Dulewska_Leaching.pdf}, keywords={ash, sewage sludge, PAH, leaching}, }