@ARTICLE{Stępniewska_Zofia_Methanotrophic_2008, author={Stępniewska, Zofia and Pytlak, Anna}, volume={vol. 34}, number={No 3}, pages={183-191}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2008}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={Methane is an atmospheric trace gas, which is estimated to contribute about 20% to global warming. Coal mining used to be regarded as attributing considerably to the anthropogenic emissions of that potent greenhouse gas. Recently discovered methanotrophic abilities of coalbed rocks brought a new argument to the discussion about the environmental impact of the mining industry. In the present work, we determined the methanotrophic activity and maximum capacity (Vmaxl of methane oxidation originating from rocks surrounding seam 385/2 of the "Bogdanka" coal mine. Methane oxidation rates ranged from 0.23lμM CH4 g "day ·1 in the rock from the middle of the seam to 0.619 μM CH4 g "day ·1 in the bottom rock (4.4 m depth). Methanotrophic activity and Ymax increased with the distance to the coal body and with decreasing TOC content. Initial and terminal redox conditions (Eh>320 mV, pH 7.60-8.62) confirmed the oxic character of the methane oxidation process.}, type={Article}, title={Methanotrophic Activity of Coalbed Rocks from ,,Bogdanka" Coal Mine (South-East Poland)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123118/PDF-MASTER/21_AE_VOL_34_3_2008_Stepniewska_Methanotrophic.pdf}, keywords={Methanotrophy, coalbed rocks, IC, TOC}, }