@ARTICLE{Borys_Andrzej_The_2022, author={Borys, Andrzej}, volume={vol. 68}, number={No 2}, pages={315-322}, journal={International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications}, abstract={In this paper, the problem of aliasing and folding effects in spectrum of sampled signals in view of Information Theory is discussed. To this end, the information content of deterministic continuous time signals, which are continuous functions, is formulated first. Then, this notion is extended to the sampled versions of these signals. In connection with it, new signal objects that are partly functions but partly not are introduced. It is shown that they allow to interpret correctly what the Whittaker– Shannon reconstruction formula in fact does. With help of this tool, the spectrum of the sampled signal is correctly calculated. The result achieved demonstrates that no aliasing and folding effects occur in the latter. Finally, it is shown that a Banach–Tarski-like paradox can be observed on the occasion of signal sampling.}, title={The Problem of Aliasing and Folding Effects in Spectrum of Sampled Signals in View of Information Theory}, type={Article}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123401/PDF/44-3631-Borys-sk-b-new.pdf}, doi={10.24425/ijet.2022.139884}, keywords={signal sampling, modeling of sampled signal in the time domain, signal information content, spectrum aliasing and folding, Banach–Tarski-like paradox in signal sampling}, }