@ARTICLE{Kaleta_Jadwiga_Evaluation_2005, author={Kaleta, Jadwiga and Puszkarewicz, Alicja}, volume={vol. 31}, number={No 1}, pages={107-113}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The objective of the research presented in the paper was to study the process of adsorption of oil impurities with the use of clinoptylolite and diatomite. The effect of various factors on process course was determined, the process was described with isotherms and the adsorptive capacities of tested minerals were determined on their basis.}, type={Communication}, title={Evaluation of Usability of Ciinoptylolite and Diatomite for Sorption of Oil Contaminants from Water Solutions}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123423/PDF-MASTER/12_AE_VOL_31_1_2005_Kaleta_Evaluation.pdf}, keywords={clinoptylolites, diatomites, oil contaminants, sorption}, }