@ARTICLE{Felis_Ewa_Presence_2005, author={Felis, Ewa and Miksch, Korneliusz and Surmacz-Górska, Joanna and Ternes, Thomas}, volume={vol. 31}, number={No 3}, pages={49-58}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2005}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This article describes monitoring results of raw wastewater from one Polish municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The residues of 30 pharmaceutics belonging to particular drugs classes such as contrast media. antibiotics, lipids regulators, antiphologisties, psychiatric and anticpilcptic agents, drug's metabolites and 2 musk compounds have been investigated. The investigation showed occurrence of 20 out of 32 selected compounds above their limit of detection. Iopromide, a compound belonging to contrast media, was noticed at the highest concentration. The concentration of this compound in WWTP-influent was equaled to 27.0 μg/dm3• Other drugs, such as, like iopamidol, iomeprol, diatrizoat, iohexol, sulfomethoxazole, carbamazepine, ibuprofen, ibuprofen-OH, naproxen, diclofenac, bczafibrate, ketoprofen, and musk compound - galaxolide were detected at maximum concentration between I .O μg/dm3 (bezafibratc) and 13.0 μg/dm3 (iomcprol). The acidic compounds such as gemfibrozil and indomethacin were determined above their limit of detection, with concentration up to 0.22 μg/dm3 and 0.42 ug/dm', respectively. Based on the literature data, the above-mentioned drugs arc not completely removed from sewage during treatment processes and with effluent from WWTP they are introduced to receiving waters. Due to their chemical properties, residues of pharmaceutics may persist in the environment and the present knowledge about their ccotoxicological effects is insufficient.}, type={Article}, title={Presence of Pharmaceutics in Wastewater from Waste Water Treatment Plant "Zabrze - Śródmieście" in Poland}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123462/PDF-MASTER/7_AE_VOL_31_3_2005_Felis_Presence.pdf}, keywords={drugs, contrast media, antibiotics, antiphlogistic, raw wastewater}, }