@ARTICLE{Stebel_Adam_Mosses_2004, author={Stebel, Adam}, volume={vol. 30}, number={No 1}, pages={133-142}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2004}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={In the years 1999-2002 bryological investigations were carried out within the .Kuźnic" nature reserve located in the Beskid Śląski Mts. near the village Twardorzcczka (Lipowa commune, Żywiec district). The "Kuźnic" nature reserve lies between 800 and IO I O m above sea level and covers 7 .22 ha. In its area coniferous forest Abieti-Piceetum predominates. In the result of this research 59 taxa have been noted. The analysis of frequency range showed that overwhelming majority of the moss flora consists of very rare taxa (40.7%). The most important components of the moss flora arc: one partially protected species in Poland and many species which arc rare in the Beskid Śląski Mts., for example Anomodon rugelii, Cirriphyl/um tommasinii, Neckera crispa, Orthotrichum stramineum and Racomitrium aquaticum. Five main ecological groups of mosses were characterized in detail.}, type={Artykuły / Articles}, title={Mosses of the ,,Kuźnie" Nature Reserve In the Beskid Śląski Mts. (Western Carpathians)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123503/PDF/13_AE_VOL_30_1_2004_Stebel_Mchy.pdf}, keywords={mosses, nature reserves, protected plants, threatened plants, Beskid Śląski Mts., Western Carpathians, Poland}, }