@ARTICLE{Cabała_Stanisław_Vegetation_2004, author={Cabała, Stanisław and Suder, Alicja}, volume={vol. 30}, number={No 3}, pages={105-116}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2004}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The field investigations concerning water and peat bog communities on the territory of Trzebinia in 2000 revealed their little diversity caused by a small number of large water bodies and performed betterment drainages. 12 syntaxa were distinguished which represent 5 classes: Lemnetea minor is (I), Potametea (6), Utricularietea intermedio-minoris (I), Littorelletea uniflorae (I), Scheuchzerio-Caricetea nigrae (I). Among described units 3 plant associations are endangered within Upper Silesia: Myriophylletum verticillati, Hottonietum palustris, Valeriano-Caricetum flavae (montane plant association).}, type={Article}, title={Vegetation of Trzebinia Town in Conditions of Strong Human Impact. II. Aquatic and Mire Communities}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123642/PDF/10_AE_VOL_30_3_2004_Cabala_Vegetation_of_Trzebinia_Town.pdf}, keywords={Trzebinia town, water reservoirs, rivers, aquatic communities, mire communities}, }