@ARTICLE{Kostecki_Maciej_Distribution_2004, author={Kostecki, Maciej and Kowalski, Eligiusz}, volume={vol. 30}, number={No 4}, pages={53-62}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2004}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The distribution of heavy metals in the bonom sediments has been determined, It has been shown that they are spaciously differentiated. The differentiation is a result of water movement, eutroficat ion, bioaccurnulation and anthropoprcsion processes. As a result of specific water movement the area of intensity of the heavy metals accumulation was created. This area (about 150 ha) is located in the northwest part of the reservoir. The maximal concentrations of heavy metals for this region are: for cadmium 30 mg Cd/kg, for nickel 55 mg Ni/kg, for chromium 130 mg Cr/kg, for lead 160 mg Pb/kg, for copper 1000 mg Cu/kg, for zinc 1300 mg Zn/kg. The localization of the most polluted areas is essential for possible reclamation procedures to improve water and overall ecosystem quality.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Distribution of Heavymetals in the Rybnikdam-Reservoir Bottom Sediments}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123653/PDF/7_AE_VOL_30_4_2004_Kostecki_Alokacja.pdf}, keywords={allocation of pollutants, bonom sediments, heavy metals}, }