@ARTICLE{Mańczyk_Aleksandra_Vascular_2003, author={Mańczyk, Aleksandra and Rostański, Adam}, volume={vol. 29}, number={No 2}, pages={31-48}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2003}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={This paper presents the results of the floristic investigation conducted - during two vegetation seasons 2000 and 2001 - on selected spoil heaps, the remnants of zinc and lead smelting works that existed in Ruda Śląska until the 1930's. A list of all recorded species was made. Every species was characterized with respect to its abundance in specified sites of the spoil heaps, the relative participation in the range of the geographicalhistorical groups as well as in ecological groups. The following characteristics were taken into account: life forms according to Raunkiaer classification, Grime CSR strategies and selected ecological indicator values (light, temperature, moisture, reaction and nitrogen content). A total of 166 species of vascular plants occur the surveyed spoil heaps. These belong to 45 different families. The most numerous is the Asreraceae family. The native species make approximately 85% of the flora. The spoil heaps are dominated by ruderal and meadow species, while the forest species are less abundant. Hemicryptophytes are the dominant group. Therophytes and phanerophytes are less abundant. These results may suggest that the sites be quite stabilized. The analysis of the ecological indicator values of the flora shows that the spoil heaps differ in terms of the species content (only 38% flora in common) and their floras demonstrate very close ecological requirements. The spoil heaps are the best habitat for the species which prefer full light and significant warmth though most of them do not stand too dry substrate conditions. The species show a wide range of requirements in respect to the nitrogen content and pH of the substrate. Grasses are the main component of the plant cover; these seem to be pioneer and very expansive species. The most abundant are Festuca ovina, Agrostis capillaris, Agrosris gigantea, Calamagrostis epigeios and Arrhenatherum elarius.}, type={Artykuł}, title={Vascular Flora of Chosen Zinc And Lead Smelting Works Spoil Heaps in Ruda Śląska (Upper Silesia, Poland)}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123730/PDF-MASTER/7_AE_VOL_29_2003_Manczyk_Flora.pdf}, keywords={vascular flora, zinc and lead spoil heaps, ecological indicators}, }