@ARTICLE{Ciosmak_Małgorzata_Evaluation_2002, author={Ciosmak, Małgorzata}, volume={vol. 28}, number={No 4}, pages={15-25}, journal={Archives of Environmental Protection}, howpublished={online}, year={2002}, publisher={Polish Academy of Sciences}, abstract={The paper presents the result of hydrogeological studies of Lublin Coal Basin (LCB), particularly at Jurassic level. It is arranged in several parts: I) stratigraphy, tectonics and lithology of Jurassic system at LCB territory, 2) groundwater dynamics, 3) chemical composition of waters, 4) hyclrogeochemical stability conditions. The paper also suggests a few main directions of using the Jurassic waters in prophylaxis and therapy of many diseases. The waters, containing considerably elevated quantities of fluorine compounds come from Jurassic formation lying at the considerable depth. Coal mine joins them with saline Carboniferous waters. After pretreatment, they are discharged to the surface ancl to the river. Jurassic waters belong to the group of low mineralised waters. They contain 6-1 I mg F/dm3 fluorides. Thus they can be usefu I in prophylactics of teeth ancl paradental illnesses, particularly in risk groups. Thanks to, fluorides contained in these waters they can be used during and after treatment and to support surgical operations or rehabilitation effects.}, type={Article}, title={Evaluation of Hydrogeochemical Stability of Jurassic Waters of Lublin Coal Basin as the Basis for Using Them in Balneology}, URL={http://ochroma.man.poznan.pl/Content/123921/PDF-MASTER/6_AE_VOL_28_4_2002_Ciosmak_Evaluation.pdf}, keywords={hydrogeology, Jurassic waters, geodynamics, hydrogeochemistry, fluoride waters}, }